Matthew Dake
My oldest brother was born with profound disabilities. He could not speak. When problems arose during his life, someone needed to speak for him. This left a profound impression on me. I became a lawyer so that I could speak for those who need someone to speak for them. For the past 25 years, I have had the good fortune to assist many wonderful people who were injured at work or due to another person or company’s negligence or neglect. If you have been injured, I would be happy to speak to you about how I can help you or a loved one obtain a fair result and begin to put your life back together.
- WILG – One of the Nation’s Top Injured Workers’ Attorneys
- Iowa Workers’ Compensation Commissioner Disability Task Force appointee
- Elected to IAJ Core Group by other injured worker attorneys
- J.D., Creighton University, 1997
- B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1994, Business/Communications
Personal Associations
- State Bar Association
- Linn County Bar Association
- Licensed in Iowa Federal Courts
- License in Nebraska (Retired status)
- Iowa Association of Justice
- Workplace Injury Litigation Group (national)
- Inns of Court
Personal Interests
- Mock trial coach
- History
- Shooting
- My kids’ sporting events